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Be part of our growing Canine First Responder Team

Accredited Canine First Responder© course

The FIRST course to be Veterinary recommended since 2013

The FIRST course to be Veterinary recommended since 2013

Sept 2018: SMU Animal Day

Another dog first aid awareness event

Sept 2018: SMU Animal Day

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) 1-out-of-4 more pets would survive, if just one pet first aid technique was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) 1-out-of-4 more pets would survive, if just one pet first aid technique was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care.

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International Certified

The first pioneering organization with Internationally Certified qualification in Singapore for Canine First Responder course. The only authorised Training Centre for the Canine First Responder Course™ in Singapore.

100% Great

Highly recommended by local veterinarians. Excellent feedback from past learners. Learning from the Best of the Best hands-on practical.


Course Objectives

This course sets the right life-saving protocols to equip you with the core competencies to perform dog first aid. Upon completion, you will be empowered to respond to life-and-death dog emergencies, at home and abroad.

Meanwhile at Nee Soon GRC Pets Fiesta

"Dog First Aid is a helpful tool to pet owners!" Minister K. Shanmugam


Our Course Guarantee to You

We offer top notch pet first aid training with high quality learning materials and teaching styles to enhance your pet first aid skills. Start exploring the courses today!